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Lane Splitting Law Heads to Senate

One June 14th, AB 51, which codifies the act of lane splitting and finally provides some legal guidelines, passed the California State Senate Transportation Committee with absolutely no opposition. Thanks to an 11-0 vote, AB 51 will now makes it way to the Senate...

Two Bikes Stolen in Two Days

Within one week in Lower Manhattan, two motorcycles, one car and a bike were stolen, while two cars were broken into, police said. The thefts, which did not appear to be related, all took place between May 23 and May 29, police said. The week of thefts started with a...
Lane Splitting Hearing on June 14th

Lane Splitting Hearing on June 14th

California Assembly Bill 51 would re-affirm the California Highway Patrol’s authority to issue lane-splitting guidelines for the state’s roadways. This important legislation is now scheduled for a hearing on June 14, 2016, in the Senate Transportation and Housing...
California Lane Splitting Law Amended

California Lane Splitting Law Amended

Here in California, we’re allowed to lane split because we’re not specifically told we can’t. If you’ve been following along with the legal happenings, you may be aware of AB 51, which would codify the act of lane splitting and finally provide some legal guidelines....
Changes Made to PA Motorcycle Safety Program

Changes Made to PA Motorcycle Safety Program

The Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program has made a significant change in its Basic Rider Course and that change will likely find favor among those who do not like taking multiple choice tests. The test students used to take at the end of their classroom sessions...